Thursday 26 September 2013

Afghan suspends Peace talks with Taliban in Doha

The Afghanistan government has suspended "Bilateral Security Agreement talks" around due to its "inconsistent statement and action" within the Taliban peace process.
Hamid Karzai led government was miffed around government over the announcement it would engage in "direct negotiations with Taliban", who officially opened a political office in Doha, Qatar, recently [ The united states State Department has however denied this report ].

  • Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) : is supposed to provide a strategic framework for all of us troops to remain in the country following a NATO combat mission ends after 2014 and its troops formally exit Afghanistan . It'll finalise issues such as the quantity of troops to remain, where they'll be based and under what terms they'll operate.
Karzai has also protested over the name from the Taliban's Doha office- "Islamic Emirate Of Afghanistan" (the formal name of their 1996-2001 government), which seems an effort to portray itself like a "state in exile" (US do not recognise this name).
  • Karzai government has additionally declared that it will boycott any peace talks unless these were led by his government i.e Afghan led (instead of US- Taliban bilateral talks ). Till then the High Peace Council (an appearance set up in 2010 to seek a negotiated peace using the Taliban) will not participate in Qatar Talks.
The NATO command in Kabul had recently completed handing over lead security responsibility to Afghan government forces across the nation as it plans to end all combat operations in Afghanistan by December 2014.
  • India's Position : India has always maintained that it'll be happy with whatever decision is taken by Afghanis themselves BUT the Peace initiative ought to be Afghanistan-owned and Afghanistan-driven. Further on issue of Doha talks it's cautioned Afghan government not to cross "Red Lines drawn through the International community".
  • James Dobbins: US special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
General Joseph Dunford: US commander in Afghanistan

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